Hello! Winston here. I am doing double duty as a cupboard inspector. Mom did several chores during her vacation that she normally would not have had time to do! One of her tasks was to tidy the kitty food cupboard! I say she did a good enough job!
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The Mom was grateful to have time to walk in a nearby park. She said it was relaxing.
However, there was one walk I didn't find serene....the walk to see my vet, Dr. B.
I yowled and complained the entire walk down. Mom was impressed by my vocal range.
This photo is me resting my vocal cords. Also, Mom said I was heavy. Dr. B said that I looked younger than my 14 years!
Here are some happy cookies that Mom's family had at their Thanksgiving get together. Here in Canada Thanksgiving is in October.
Hello now from Emily. I am enjoying a spa moment from the comfort of the dining room table.
Winston and I were not the only ones to get a little something. Mom found a pair of ankle boots to wear during the cooler, but not the winter, months.
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Mom thought this bird looked a bit like a cormorant. It did not look like the regular ducks, geese and swans at the park lake. Any ideas? She is sorry that the photo is so fuzzy!
This is Mom's shadow selfie!
We will close with this funny from Pinterest. Purrs for visiting!
Winston, good job inspecting that cabinet! And we love your birthday gift from Mum. :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, that definitely looks like a cormorant to us!
Thanks for visiting AND for verifying the bird as a cormorant!
DeleteWe love the catnip prezzie.
Winston and Emily
Hi you two!
ReplyDeleteTell your mum that we believe the bird IS a cormorant. Certainly looks like one to our human!
Winston, we're glad you had a good check-up, though are sorry you had to go in the first place. We sure hope it's not a long walk! Our vet clinic is only 2 km away, but even so, our human wouldn't take us (kicking and screaming all the way) on foot. Maybe your mom could save for a pet stroller, that sure would be easier. That or take a taxi!
Emily, you look gorgeous as ever, lounging on the table.
Happy week to you all; take care!
Hi Kea,
DeleteThank you for stopping by to visit! Mom takes me to the vet twice a year now for a once over. She says that it is because I am senior feline now. Pffttt... The walk is not too bad about 15 minutes but it takes longer with me because she stops to rest her arms. She is looking at a fancy backpack cat carrier online that might help. She will call a cab if the weather is too cold or snowy for me. In nice weather, though, when the sidewalks are clear, she likes to save money by walking.
We hope your boys are doing better.
Winston and Emily
P.S. Your nip nanner must be such fun! We're glad you finally got your present, Winston.
ReplyDeleteWhen the shadows get long...it's autumn! Winston, although you didn't enjoy the trip, at least you had a good report from the vet. Da Boyz love their nip nanner so much, they've bitten a hole it in, and this is the 2nd one that they destroyed!
ReplyDeleteWinston...you got the best present ever! I love my nip hammer and all the ones who came before me also loved them! Happy Birthday my furriend.
ReplyDeleteThe nip nanner is a great gift. Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Those cookies look great. XO
ReplyDeletethe nip nanner is one of my faves!! Happy Belated!! xoxo