Wednesday, July 24, 2024


We are still experiencing technical difficulties at this end. However, Emily and Willow seem to be fine. Hope everyone is doing well! I'll close with a few photos-probably repeats but that can't be helped :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! The fireworks last night terrified Emily and Willow. I think they look pretty but the noise is awful.
Technical difficulties continue. Sigh.
Emily and Willow wish you a lovely week!
Closing with a funny from Pinterest.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Technical Stuff

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. Emily and Willow have both had their summer groom and seem to be happier for it! The last few weeks I have been having technical issues so I haven't been able to upload or post. Take care and I hope to be able to vist you all again soon. The photois from my recent walk home after work. Strange weather-raining and sunny. Rainbow on one end of the sky and these clouds on the other!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Where the Air is Sweet

Hello! I hope everyone had a good day. My staycation went by so quickly! I can't believe it is almost over. The best thing, at least for me, is not having to rush around. Both Emily and Willow had appointments to see the vet to get a summer groom session. Unfortunately, both appointments needed to be rescheduled because the cats at the clinic came down with some kind of kitty cold. Neither Emily or Willow seemed too broken up about that! Miss Willow is enjoying a box I left out for her.
Mom and Ann (my sister) came for a visit on Saturday. This is a box of donuts my sister picked up for her family. I didn't get one of those donuts! We did stop at another bakery that specialized in scones and I picked up a couple and froze them. The visit was lovely.
The park was beautiful with spring flowers and baby goslings. I don't trust the geese and keep my distance.
There is a bird app called Merlin that I enjoy using that helps to identify birdsong. This photo is a Gray Catbird! There were so many birds singing in the park: Red- Eyed vireo, Cardinals, Robins, Indigo Bunting, Eastern Phoebe and House Finch. A combination of the soft morning light, fresh air, cool breeze and the scent of sweet flowers helps to restore a tired heart.
Emily seemed happy that I was home. She likes to come up to me and bunt my foot with her head. She was also very welcoming to my company!
The staycation wasn't JUST walks in the park. There was a reasonable amount of spring cleaning and errands. I even managed to enjoy some reading-Young Elizabeth by Nicola Tallis. My next vacation week is in the summer so perhaps I should start planning for that! Thank you for your visit and have a great week! Closing with this quote from Pinterest

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Emily, the birthday girl!

On Monday, Miss Emily will turn 11 years old! I had been planning on getting her a heated bed but reality decided to come calling. Their water fountain broke and I bought a new one.
(not my photo) As soon as I was able, I bought a replacement. It was exactly the same (only more expensive) but both Emily and Willow mistrusted the new fountain. By the second day they were both lapping from the bubbly fountain. Phew!
Willow celebrated 2 years here and she was gifted a rainbow unicorn. She loves it so much that I have to hide it before going to bed.
Work is, as always, extra busy. Since Covid, things have become more stressful. I have some time off coming up soon and I'm hoping to rest up .
A friend took me out for a (late) birthday lunch.
It was very "cozy" but the food was amazing. I'm also enjoying the beautiful spring flowers
The lilacs are blooming early this year. I hope they are still out when I am finally able to get out with my camera. Emily and Willow send purrs. I will try and visit your blogs once my vacation begins ! I will close with a funnie from Pinterest

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Willow!

This little fluff has been with us for 2 years! Hope everyone had a good week and a restful day.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Celebrating My Aging Process!

Sweet Miss Em is here to say hello! We hope everyone has been managing OK. I recently chose to celebrate my aging process :) I was thankful to have a visit from a few of my family memebers.
They remembered that I like pie :) I had Dutch apple crumble pie for my b-day. It was yummy.
Everyone spoiled me with lovely gifts: baked goods, a favorite DVD, a book store gift card and this little stuffie. Apparently, it is a positive potato. He cracked me up. I keep him at work.
Willow has been snuggly. One minute she is a cuddle bug and the next minute she is swiping at me with her murder mittens.
March came in like a lamb with unseasonably warm weather. But the climate pendulum is swinging back and forth between winter and spring.
The snowdrops were out early. They are one of my favourite spring flowers.
We had snow, rain, and graupel. I had never heard of graupel before :) Work is still busy and I don't seem to have the energy to do the things I enjoy as much. (good grief-I sound super old but I'm not!) Hoping to visit everyone soon. I'm closing with a close up of Willow's toe beans because they make me happy!