Oscar here today. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We felines had a lovely day with naps, treats and lots of presents!
I got this amazing present called the kitty shack! Here is a photo from a store that sold them. It's a soft carpet with crinkle material underneath. There is a zipper that you can do up and it turns into a cozy triangle. Mom often finds me curled up in it in the morning. I feel very safe inside. Winston kitty has mostly left it alone and it is mine! I think that makes the Mom person happy.

See this catnip toy. The catnip toy that is pink and sparkly? Well. It was meant for Miss Emily. However, the Winston kitty immediately absconded it for his own personal use. It didn't matter that he already had a new catnip toy.

Just a few seconds after this photo was taken the Winston kitty started bunny kicking the pink sparkle toy....he got tired of it though...

The Mom person even got a present to open on Christmas morning.
That little Winston dude...he thought this soft, silky scarf was for him. He snuggled down on it and refused to move! I say better Mom's scarf than my kitty shack!
Mom got another feline for Christmas. She says her name is Grumpy Cat and she now lives under her Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Winston thought he should check her out but he decided he didn't have the energy to play with her. Smart move Winston