Sunday, January 5, 2025

A New Year

Happy New Year! I hope that your New Year is filled with blessings and peace. I worked between Christmas and New Years for a couple of days. Then I was off again after New Years. It feels like a lovely break. Emily is enjoying my Christmas sofa throw in this photo. You know a product is a winner if it is feline approved :)
If you celebrate Christmas, I hope that you enjoyed it. I had a mixed holiday. There were moments of intense social activity and work but there were moments of quiet as well. I went to a Christmas Eve service. It was a tranquil interlude.
Willow is enjoying a snooze in this photo. Both girls enjoyed "Christmas" straws! I also managed to find some unused catnip toys. I love that they are not fussy about having expensive presents to celebrate the holidays. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm finding that everything is more expensive these days. The only thing that isn't increasing is the income!
A coworker surprised me with this mug! On the inside of the rim its says "more cats, more naps!" It will hold my tea and make me smile. Win-win!
This is the Christmas tree at my sister's house. She has 5 cats and 1 dog! I'm surprised it is still standing.
This little cutie is their miniature beagle, Hazel. I helped Hazel to "love" me by giving her a teeny piece of bacon (this was OKed by my sister)
I'll end today's post with this photo of Willow sitting next to a small drawing of Emily and Winston. I miss Winston. I miss him so much. Give your felines/woofies an extra cuddle. I hope to visit you within the next little while once I get back into the swing of things at work! I like this simple quote for the New Year: "May joy and peace surround you, Contentment latch your door, And happiness be with you now, And bless you evermore."


  1. Happy new year to you all!

    I'm glad you had some quiet time amidst holiday work and social events. I'm back to work tomorrow after 16 days (took extra time) and it's going to be a LONG week.

    Hazel is a cutie! I'd be giving her bacon too, to make friends. 😁

    Scritches to the girls, stay warm and cosy!

  2. Beautiful photos. Wishing all three of you a happy and healthy new year! XO

  3. I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and New Years, now on to 2025. Happy New Year!!!

  4. I'm happy that you had some enjoyable, quiet, and reflective times amid the hustle and bustle (and work) that the holidays bring. Happy New Year to you and the girls! XO

  5. Happy New Year and nice to see your post today. Sounds like you did have some nice Serene time off and on during your break. And a lovely visit with family. Just think a house full of cats and a puppy. Probably makes having just two seen rather calm. Hope work goes well.

  6. Happy New Year, Maggie. It looks like a lovely holiday (and I loved the dog and cats, of course!) Several of my friends and I have stopped doing the gift thing now, and opt for an experience instead -- going to a play or out to eat or a road trip. We might do something small for each other -- goodies with a bottle of wine. But not much. We all have too much stuff! That cat mug, though, is the perfect gift for someone like us! Useful and adorable!

  7. Lovely spark, and Happy New Year!
    And agree 1,000% with prices are up, but paycheck stays the same...

  8. Beautiful photos. Mummy really loves that cat mug!
