Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Lime Ricky and Shopping

 Hello all!  It's Winston.  I think I hear a tin of kitty food being opened.   I'm on the alert!
 Mom gives me my daily pill mixed in with canned food!  It's a battle of the wills.  I only want to be served on the carpet.  Mom wants to serve the food to me on the linoleum.  She has some nerve by insinuating that I'm a messy eater.  She has to go over the carpet to pick up the bits of food that have fallen.  It is NOT my fault.  I'm going to give a steely glare and airplane ears!
 HA!  Victory for me.
Anyway, the last bit of Mom's staycation has been full of fun and adventures.
Her sister, W, came over.  They both celebrated their birthdays as they couldn't meet together in the spring.  Mom had muffins and strawberries for breakfast.   They even exchanged gifts!
 One of her gifts was this cute handmade rock.  It is a paperweight.  Mom thinks it is sweet.  Mom and her sis had a lovely visit.
They went shopping and out for a fast food lunch as well.  Here is the drive through...
 They each ordered a kid's combo.  Fewer bad calories in a smaller size are their reasoning.
 They found a nice shady spot and ate in the car.  Mom says it was beautiful  You could hear the wind blowing gently through the leaves.
 This is one of the items Mom purchased when her sister came over to visit.    A new vacuum.  It was half price.  Hooray.  Plus, it would have been very difficult to lug this monster home on the bus (it weighs 22 pounds) Apparently, the motor went on the old one.  Emily and I made sure that Mom made good use of it.  (She used to vacuum up our furs every day!)
 Mom liked this cartoon from Pinterest.  She thought it fitting for a week off.  Now I'm passing it along to Emily.
 Purrs from Emily.  We had such a busy week keeping Mom entertained. PLUS, there was a heat wave for the better part of the week.
 On one of the cooler days, Mom took a walk in the park.  This little dog had a red ribbon.  Mom thought it was adorable.  Kitties, if Mom tried that sort of nonsense with us, well I would upchuck a furball in her new shoes.
 She was very excited to see this cardinal!  One of her "goals" is to get a close up of a cardinal.  Only, once she sees one of the birds on her list she gets too excited and her camera shakes! Silly Mom.
 Here is the backside of a bluejay.  Someday, Mom knows she will be able to get a great shot of one of these two birds.

 Kitties, we have to tell you that her staycation wasn't all fun.  One morning was very rocky for her.  She was in a tizzy.   We kicked her out, using our feline telepathy, and she went to a coffee shop with a book.  She ordered a lime ricky soda (hence the green color) and a spinach and feta pastry.  We think it helped to calm her least for a little while!

 Did we share this cartoon before?   I think it is good to remind our people who is in charge.

Happy purrs to you all!  Remember to help your feline stay comfortable and cool and loved...and adored!
Winston and Emily


  1. I am glad your Mom had a fun birthday celebration. That looks like a nice vacuum. I haven't had a lime rickey in years, that sounds good. Your Mom should get you a mat to eat on like they have for kids. :) XO

    1. I had never even heard of a lime rickey...I felt very adventurous :)
      A mat? Like a place mat? That might be an idea for the fussy little fur ball!
      Thanks for dropping by!

  2. You are both such beaitufl kitties!

    Tell your Mama our Mama's hand also shakes when she is trying to get a pic of a bird she loves. She finally got a good one of the Steller's Jay and was really excited!

    Sisters are wonderful! Our Mama feels fortunate to have a sister who loves her as much as she in turn loves her sister :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets hand shakes when she sees a cardinal or blue jay. They are much harder to locate! The sparrow are cute and funny. They tend to be easier to find.
      Sisters can be lovely!
      Thanks for visiting :)

  3. So glad your Mom had a great birthday. Sounds like her sisters visit was wonderful. Glad to see you kitties keeping well and staying in charge.��

    1. Hi Crafting Queen, It's not easy keeping our Mom in line but we do our best! She did have a great visit with her sister. We appreciate your stopping by.
      Winston and Emily

  4. I was going to suggest a placemat as well. Simple solution. Even a tea towel underneath his dish. Nicki is a very messy eater too, and I always have a plastic mat under his food, even on the bare floor. Easier to clean up.

    It seems you had a good staycation in spite of the heat. And a lovely birthday!

    A new vacuum... Awesome! I hope it works well for many years to come. I really like the one I bought a couple of Christmases ago, though will not buy another with a swivel head. That's the one thing I still don't care for. It has a detachable canister, however, which I love. Easier for stairs and crevices.

    I like that cat cartoon from Pinterest! I wonder what our new boss would say if I posted that up at work. Ha.

    Have a great week ahead and purrs and head butts to you all from Nicki and Derry. 😺

    1. A vinyl placemat has been found and utilized :) Mr Winston kitty, though, managed to fling some of his food on the carpet anyway! Still better than before, though.
      Let me know if you decide to post that cat cartoon at work!
      Thanks for dropping by.

  5. We're glad your mom bean had a nice week off and a great visit with her sisfur to celebrate their birthdays. We've suggested to mom bean she start ordering kids meals too...she could stand to lose some poundage.

    Have a great week efurrybody!

    1. Hi!
      Thanks for visiting. Yes, both our birthdays were in the spring and it didn't work to meet for either one at the time. It's a bit odd celebrating during a heat wave when I usually contend with snow and ice in March :)
      The kid's meals are cheaper and still allow us to indulge in unhealthy food choices. Our way of justifying things...because smaller portions can't be AS bad. We hope :)
      Take care.

  6. what is a lime ricky? I know it is soda, but what else is in it? I think you and your sister are geniuses to order the kids combo, satisfies a craving for less fat/calories!

  7. Hi! Thanks for stopping by. If memory serves me correctly the lime ricky had soda, lemon and lime. It was incredibly refreshing on a hot summer day!

  8. Yes, Emily and Winston...we all know that cats do what they want!

    1. That is the way things should be :)
      Happy purrs,
      Winston and Emily

  9. Winston is such a cute cat! Looks like he is enjoying having you at home! Hope you enjoy the rest of your week. Thanks for the share, keep up the posts.
    World of Animals

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I'm rather "fond" of my two little feline hooligans :)
