Sunday, March 25, 2018

Chilly Spring Weather

 Hello!  It's Emily reporting to you from the "forbidden" dining room table!  I have a very good reason for being on the table--I feel like being here!   I'm a free spirit.  Purrs.
 There are tiny signs of spring everywhere.  Mom found an Easter Egg tree on a recent walk.  She said the colors were lovely!
 Mom also noted her first snowdrops!   These tiny flowers were in somebody's front yard.  Mom had to use her zoom lens to get this shot.  She is waiting for some flowers to show up in the park so she can get closer and admire them.
 The sunlight breaking through the bell tower.  Mom said the sunny day was deceptive.  The sky was blue.  The sun was shining.  However, she was freezing.  Her hands had turned white by the end of her walk.   Brrrr.....
 A tiny bird's nest in the park.   The nest looks cozy!
 Happy purry greetings now from Winston.   I'm a good feline.  I just enjoy the boxes that Mom brings into the apartment for us.  It is cozier than any bird's nest.
 This Canadian goose was enjoying the sun's rays at the park.

 Mom thought this tiny note was inspiring.  Somebody has been posting small notes around our neighborhood.  Some of them seem to "hit home"
 We hope you all had a lovely week!   If you are stressed just note how your feline takes care of such things.  This is Emily and I chilling on the back of the sofa!

Mom found this on Pinterest.  She said if they changed it to tea then it would be totally true.  

Purrs to all for a great week.
Winston and Emily


  1. Of course, you should be where you want to be! Silly hoomins, thinking otherwise. PS: we see lots of cool things on that sideboard you could whap off. That meme is a great one, too, and so true. Even if our mom doesn't drink coffee - she does sweet iced tea.

  2. I do drink coffee...lots of that Pinterest graphic is perfect. :-)

    Hurray for the snowdrops! We're supposed to get rain this week, then SNOW next week, even on the 9th...of course, because I have to take Nicki to the v-e-t that day.

    Anyway, I also see numerous items on that sideboard that my boys (i.e. Nicki) would knock right off and smash. Emily, you and Winston are particularly well-behaved kitties! Even if you do get up on the dining table.

    I wonder who's posting those little notes up? I love that one. I think women, especially, struggle with limits, being burdened more with obligation and guilt than the average male. (Just my $0.02 and making a generalization!)

    I hope you all have a great week. Purrs from Nicki and Derry. :-)

  3. Looks like your Mum is being very nice to you kitties. Great photos and hope that you all have a great week.

  4. Nice to see you two cuties. And good job getting on the dining room table, it is yours, isn't it? :)

  5. You two are so lovely to behold! :)
    We love all the photos and our Mama especially loves the bird's nest. Really beautiful :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. Thanks for checking in, sweet pals. And for the nice wishes for a good week. We hope YOUR week was wonderful, too. :)
