Sunday, September 29, 2024

Autumn and Allergies

Hello, We hope everyone is doing OK. My allergies are working overtime this year. It feels like a bad cold. Willow and Emily are OK. This is Willow. Cooler weather mean more cuddles.
The leaves in this area are at about 20%. I just realized that, if all goes well, I will be on vacation starting late next week. Please let everything go OK! (silent plea!) I did get out this morning for a walk in the park. I think it did my heart good.
Emily and Willow both have their annual "once over" on my time off. I take them in on separate days as I can only carry one of them at a time.
Take care and I hope to visit your blogs and get caught up in the next while :)

Saturday, August 31, 2024

UPDATE September 1---Request for Purrs and Good Thoughts and Prayers

Willow and Emily are fine. My sister, A, lives in the country and feeds stray cats. One of the kittens is quite ill. "Kit" is about 4 months old. My sister took "kit" to the vet twice. The vet said Kit had a 50 percent chance of survival. My sister is doing subcutaneous fluids, syringe feeding and ordered a snuggle safe to help Kit warm up. Yesterday, she was doing ok but today not so much. I have never met this kitten but my heart hurts for my sister and for this tiny fluff. If you think of it, could you please pray for my sister and this tiny feline. With thanks UPDATE Kit passed away last night. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, comment and/or send healing purrs, prayers and good thoughts. I never even met Kit but my heart wanted her to get well. My sister, A, tried her very best and, even though it didn't have the outcome we were hoping for, Kit was loved and cared for even if for a while. Take care and hug your pets.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Quiet Times

Hello all! My staycation is over and I'm thankful for the "sometimes" slower pace of my time off. I was able to walk in the park, shop, visit, read, and do extra chores. Willow is getting ready to celebrate her birthday soon :)
I like to take my photo walks in the morning. The light is beautiful. A cardinal enjoying the early hours in a tree.
I used my bird app to try and locate birds in the trees. I think this is a gold finch and it was grooming it's feathers.
Another photo from my walk in the park. The sound of a small waterfall is relaxing.
Emily enjoying the heated bed! With the rising cost of most items and unexpected expenses (hello, laptop!) I haven't had a chance yet to get Emily and Willow a gift for their birthday. Perhaps a heated bed for the colder months. Autumn seems to be making an early appearance this year. The leaves started to turn in early August. Take care! Be well :)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

We are back!

Hello! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. We are trying out a new computer so there is going to be a steep learning curve. I'm looking forward to having a vacation soon.
Life has been hectic lately. But I will make sure to plan for my time off. One of the first things on my list is to take Emily to the vet.
I'm hoping to have a few visits and get some shopping done. Willow has a birthday coming up soon. I'm hoping to find something for the two of them that they can use.
Perhaps I can go for a walk in the park. We will close for now. But before we do could you please send good thoughts/prayers for my Mom's cat, Pearl. She has been losing weight and they are going to run some tests tomorrow. Take care and have a lovely week!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


We are still experiencing technical difficulties at this end. However, Emily and Willow seem to be fine. Hope everyone is doing well! I'll close with a few photos-probably repeats but that can't be helped :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! The fireworks last night terrified Emily and Willow. I think they look pretty but the noise is awful.
Technical difficulties continue. Sigh.
Emily and Willow wish you a lovely week!
Closing with a funny from Pinterest.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Technical Stuff

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. Emily and Willow have both had their summer groom and seem to be happier for it! The last few weeks I have been having technical issues so I haven't been able to upload or post. Take care and I hope to be able to vist you all again soon. The photois from my recent walk home after work. Strange weather-raining and sunny. Rainbow on one end of the sky and these clouds on the other!