Hello. Winston kitty here today. It's my turn to talk about stuff. Mom neglected to feature me at all in the last post. Not one photo of me--anywhere. I am going to make her tow the line today, let me tell you. We decided to let Mom sleep this weekend. But she also needed to walk to the grocery store for human foods and some kitty stuff. There was lots of rain. She saw beautiful flowers blooming.
Hyacinths smell pretty-most especially if they are covered in rain drops. Did I mention the rain. There was lots of it everywhere.
We are fascinated by the rain slowing trickling down the window. The droplets taunt us with their slow and meandering path down the window. You just can't win against a raindrop!
But I can win with the cat dancer! Woo hoo! Mom has had to tie the feather back on the string a couple of times now. The feather is looking bedraggled and pitiful.
Mom says she loves books almost as much as I love the cat dancer. I find that hard to believe but whatever! She saw this tiny little portable library on the walk back from the grocery store. Since she already has lots of stuff checked out from the library she didn't need anything in this book box. Has anybody else every heard of such a thing? Mom liked it!