Lucy Part 3-the vet called and told me Lucy was going to spend the night there. They need to get a urine sample and her bladder is not cooperating. I'm hoping (praying) I get to pick her up tomorrow after work. I miss that cute little face begging for more and more food. |
Update-Brought Lucy in to see the vet this morning-again-she hasn't been eating and the vet can't see what's wrong with her. I have to leave Lucy there while they run tests. It is very hard walking home without her in the carrier. Will keep you posted. |
Cozy, a photo by cherithsky on Flickr.
The kitty brats decided that a rainy, cold Saturday deserved a lot of cuddling down nap times.
It's fuzzy because of the low light. I couldn't turn on the flash, though, and risk waking them. Could I?
Any cat-owned person knows the answer =)