Monday, March 4, 2013

No treats for us!

We are here to protest, Mom!
We got NO treats on her birthday!  She had lots of company and presents  but we were ignored.  O.K.-not totally ignored.  Lucy was a big hit.  Mom's company thought she was "squishy soft".  Lucy loves that sort of stuff.  *sigh*

Mom got presents, had treats and went shopping.  She said that we wouldn't like any of the treats she had on her birthday.
She had a hot apple cider....

She had a bakery treat...

Well-she did buy us a new scratchy post.  I guess we will let her live without any noisy, formal protests... for now!

PS-Mom says thanks for all the kind birthday wishes!


  1. Trying to bribe you with a new scratching post,eh?
    Aha! Mom is obviously feeling guilty over the no extra treats business..well done on the sad face worked!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to your awesome Mommy!!...But, of course, kitties ALWAYS deserve treats!!...Happy week ahead, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Your mom's treats look yummy. We think a new scratching post is's a start.

  4. Did our comment go through? We're having computer hiccups at the moment.

  5. Oh my stars ~ such yummy looking treats! That's nice that you got a new scratching post on your mom's birthday. LOL!
    I hope your mom had a most terrific day!
    xo Catherine

  6. We tend to agree with your Mom about you not liking HER treats. But it's lovely that she got you a new scratchy post!

  7. We are so happy that your Mom had a great birthday but she has to realize that on HER birthday YOU ALL get treats too!

  8. It looks like your Mom had a great birthday but I'm sure you would have enjoyed it even more if you had had treats ;-)
