Monday, February 9, 2015

Keeping Cozy

 Good morning all.  I've decided to disrupt my much needed nap to keep you all up to date on our feline life.   I sure hope Mom appreciates my efforts!  The weather here is still quite wintery.  In fact, Mom even hauled out her colorful, bulky socks recently to walk through her errands.
 She says the colors look warm to her and keep her toes warm. 
 She trudged through the snow to do her grocery shopping and appointments.
 She loves to walk through the park even on winter days.
 She says the quiet is soothing.  But what she finds even more soothing is once her errands are done!
 She likes to rest in front of the fire (it's a DVD, folks!--silly woman!) and read and read and then read some more!
 She takes breaks to play with that wild Emily kitty!
 She turns on the water in the bathroom for Oscar.  Emily has decided she also loves the dripping water faucet so Oscar gets company now!

I'll close with one of our rare kitty photos will all three of us together.  Emily makes it challenge, though.  She will learn, we hope, to cuddle.   Goodness knows we needs the cuddling to stay cozy with all this white stuff.   Purrs for an excellent week.


  1. I like to walk in the snow too, Emily, but yesterday I started out...and it was sleeting! I had to turn around and go back home, but I'll try again today.

  2. You should not walk when it is sleeting! Yikes. We hope you have better luck with your walk today. Thanks for your visit.
    The kitty brats

  3. We've got the same cover on our bed....isn't it super cozy..and it likes to collect our fur.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  4. Hi RMSM-
    We think the best part about that bed cover is it collects our beautiful furs!
    the kitty brats

  5. You is sure getting lots of snow so your mom bean is smart to dress warm for her walks. As for you kitties, you has the right idea, stay indoors, cuddle up and stay warm!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Your Mommy takes after ours in the reading you get nice laps, as well?

  7. just gorgeous area where your Mom walks. Lovely fire and of course lovely kitties!

  8. We love what you've done to the photographs...they look like paintings! Where did you get the DVD of the fire? Our Mama remembers when that came out years ago for VCRs but she didn't have a VCR machine so she couldn't get one!! :(

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Hello LP-Sorry for the late reply. I edit most of my photos in picmonkey. I bought the fireplace DVD in a bargain shop store...I've also noticed that itunes has fireplaces movies you can download. Hope this helps =)
