Monday, February 16, 2015

Chilly Days are meant for cuddling and reading and....

 Oh, hello there.  Emily in a flirty mood today.  Mom is in a bit of a grouch.  Something about water pipes bursting because of the cold and no water...blah blah blah...As long as my feline needs are being met all is right with my world!   It has, and is, very cold.  Mom cranks up the heat and puts on extra socks with her slippers.   She is reading up a storm, too!  In the last week she has read through three books!   She is also starting another one today and hopes to continue on through this week.  She is on another staycation and has a big stack of library books to go through.
 This snowman was at the park.  Mom said he looked happy but she didn't want to go wading through knee deep snow to get any closer.  I'm a bit embarrassed to say our Mom may be a bit of a wimp!
 In order to keep Mom's spirits up I decided to sleep closer to the boys.  It made her very happy to see me snoozing so close to the boy brats a few days ago.  If I had known how comfy the sofa was I may have even done it sooner!  Mom is also considering buying a heated kitty bed for Oscar as his arthritic leg seems to be bothering him.  She has never bought one before, though, and isn't sure about the whole thing.  She has been heating her muscle pads and then wrapping it in a towel and placing it on Oscar's ouchy leg.  Mom likes to think it is helping.

Well...I will close for now and enjoy this comfy sofa.  Oscar and Winston send out their nicest purrs for you all.


  1. Emily looks so content there. Stay warm!

  2. We are sorry to hear about burst pipes. Not fun.
    We are happy to hear you are nice and cozy and
    you like the couch. Have a great snooze !
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Hi Georgia, Julie, Treasure and JJ.
      Thanks for visiting.
      You all stay comfy and cozy, too!

  3. Cold weather is so hard on all of us, even the pipes. Our KonaKitty has a heated cat cup and she LOVES it! She is pretty old and rickety and Mommy thinks it keeps her bones a little more limber.

    1. Hello Katnip Lounge,
      Thanks for your visit. Mom was very interested to hear about KonaKitty's experience with the heated cat cup. She plans to investigate further!
      Stay limber KonaKitty.

  4. Oh no about your pipes! That is not any fun at all.

    Please do stay warm and snuggly there with Mom, okay?

    1. Thanks for visiting mewomeowmans!
      We will sure try to keep that human of ours in good spirits!

  5. Enjoy the comfy couch Emily!

    Mom bean says if the pipes burst she'd be grouchy too. We hopes your mom bean enjoys her staycation!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Hi Sasha, Sami, Saku & Eileen,
      Yep! It sure does make Mom grumpity!
      The water is back on, though, but we are not sure about the basement and laundry.
      You stay comfy, too!

  6. Burst water pipes is no fun..but the heated cat bed sounds really good! Will Oscar be in charge of the temperature control on his bed...and will he share?
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxxx

    1. Hi RMSM!
      The cat bed Mom was looking at is activated by the pressure of the cat's body! Mom would like it to be mainly for Oscar....but we haven't decided whether or not sharing is a nice idea.
      the kitty brats

  7. Frozen pipes! Oy vey! We have a heated bed...two in fact...but Angel only uses the one, and she actually prefers to sleep in my old wool sweater upstairs than in the heated bed by the front window. We have an outdoor warming pad in the Cat Hotel for the ferals; I can only hope it's working, because I cannot stick my arm inside to see if there is warmth coming from it. We are using a product called Canna Companion for Chuck's arthritis...he seems better, so maybe it's something you could use for Oscar.

    1. Hello Eastside Cats,
      Thanks for the visit and the info. Mom is always glad to hear about other kitty experiences with the heated products. She also wants to look into the the Canna Companion you mentioned. Right now Oscar gets a transdermal for pain relief 2x a day. You take good care now.
      the kitty brats

  8. Replies
    1. Hello Caren,
      Those pipes are fixed! Mom gets to flush again!
      We can hear a pump down in the basement...
      It makes her appreciate even more having water.
      the kitty brats
