Friday, June 21, 2024

Technical Stuff

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. Emily and Willow have both had their summer groom and seem to be happier for it! The last few weeks I have been having technical issues so I haven't been able to upload or post. Take care and I hope to be able to vist you all again soon. The photois from my recent walk home after work. Strange weather-raining and sunny. Rainbow on one end of the sky and these clouds on the other!


  1. The clouds were amazing!

    Good luck sorting out the tech issues, SO frustrating!

  2. What fabulous clouds! I hope your computer problems are fully resolved soon, Maggie!

  3. Yes, those clouds look like bubble wrap! I hope you get those techy things ironed out, it's frustrating.

  4. Mammatus clouds; they are wild, aren't they?
    Hope your technical issues go away.

  5. Glad the kitties are good. Sorry about the technical troubles. XO

  6. Those clouds made for a wonderful picture though.
