Sunday, January 22, 2023

January Musings

Willow is popping by with a quick hello. She and Emily had were curled up next to each other on the sofa today. I was happy to see them "kind of" getting along. I will have to upload the photos and hope that one of them is clear enough to post!
Emily had a vet appointment on Thursday. She had yet another matt that needed to be removed. The vet also tested her blood sugar again. This time it was down which was a relief. After weeks of drab, dreary and grey weather it looks like snow is starting to fall again. Stay warm and cozy.
A smile from Pinterest


  1. Glad Emily's appointment was good. They are both cuties.XO

  2. We are so glad to hear Emily's numbers were down. Willow and Emily are both so beautiful. :)

  3. I'm so glad all was well at Emily's vet check.

    Sometimes peaceful coexistence is the best one can manage!

  4. Glad the vet apt had good news. Your kitties are very pretty!

  5. Yay for a pretty good Vet report! Also good to hear they are getting along better. Paws crossed it continues. Today it is raining. That will be a mess when it gets cold again. I am happy I am an indoor cat!!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Great to see both girls enjoying some sofa time. Even better if they are getting together at times, too. Good vet results are a real weight off the mind. Hopefully the sun will come soon and the last snow will be a memory, for a while at least.

  7. If there is peace, then it's a good thing!

  8. Your girls are looking lovely, Maggie. Hope all is well with the mat removal! Ah yes, long hair cats!

  9. Good news about Emily's bloodwork. Hope the girls get along better as time goes on.

  10. Such sweet kitties and I'm glad you're trying to get along, that's wonderful news!

  11. happy new year everyone. hope your years been great so far ‼️❤️🐟

  12. I so miss your blog coming to my inbox :( So good to see newbie Willow and Emily (happy her numbers are down!!!) Do you believe we have sunshine today and I'm being a lazy slug not wanting to go out. I really need to force myself and get out there!!! (((hugs))) to all of you!

  13. I too have been wondering why I am no longer receiving notification of new posts on your blog.
    Hope your girls are getting along better and better.

  14. I love Emily's photo, and the classy thing is a hoot.

  15. Poke it with a very long stick!
    The kitties just might be giving peace a chance.
