Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Whooping it Up---Quietly!

 Mom celebrated her birthday on Saturday.  She booked a vacation day and had a lovely visit with family.
 They went out to their usual breakfast spot, William's Cafe.

 They wondered why they saw people dressed in costume and discovered a comic book convention in progress.  They had free comics, too!  Mom picked up the "prissiest" one there!
 They went shopping.  Mom said Easter decorations were out!  She thought this little bunny was cute.
 Plus Winston and I got a present!  We both loved it!  Cat Grass!  Yummy

 In fact, Mom says we love it a little bit too much and she only puts it out at certain times.
Mom says thank you for the advice on how to introduce new cat food into our diets.   I am starting to like this new food a bit more.  Mom is putting a few tablespoons of the new food (diabetic) into our regular food.   The new food is Royal Canin Diabetic.
We will close with this cartoon from Pinterest.

 Stay cozy!  Cuddle your felines! Spoil them.

Happy purrs,
Emily and Winston


  1. Hooray for cat grass and snuggles! Happy Birthday to your Mom from all of us!

  2. Belated happy birthday to your mom! It's nice that YOU got a present on her b-day! :-)

    The bonus with the cat grass is that you can "re-gift" it to her afterward!

    We hope you continue to like/eat the new food! (At least until your mom stocks up on it, then you can shun it. Ha.)

  3. Yes, we are having frigid cold, and snow too! Wish I was home, snuggling with my kitties! I will soon enough, after the work day is over. Enjoy your grass, kitties! And Happy Birthday to your momma!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday to your mom. How sweet of her to get you kitties a gift. XO

  5. Happy Birthday to your Mom. Enjoy your cat grass kitties. Hugs

  6. A Happy Birthday to your mom, and I love that cartoon!

  7. We love us some cat grass, too, Winston and Emily. Happy birthday to your Mom!
