Friday, December 14, 2018

Staying out of Trouble

 Hello!  It's Winston.   We hope everyone is doing well and getting lots of naps.   Emily and I wondered if anybody else had a human who seemed distracted since December?  Our Mom enjoys the music and lights of Christmas but she says life seems to speed up.   In addition to the Christmas rush,  Mom is sometimes the only person at work because of sickness and vacations.  Isn't it lovely that our Mom isn't bored? 
 Mom had to pick up some more of our expensive kitty food at the vet's office recently.  She loved the wreath on the front door!  You can see Mom's reflection in the silver ornaments.
 Mom's department had their annual Christmas lunch.  There was a lovely cupcake for dessert.  (Mom actually saved hers for a few days!)  Also, this silly joke was inside her Christmas cracker.  Groan.  What a bad joke!  :)
 We did have snow on the ground; however, in the last few days, it has been raining so things just look dreary.
 Purrs from Emily.  Mom says my kitty yoga is improving.  I do try to keep neat and tidy. In spite of my best efforts, and Mom's efforts, I still had to visit Dr. B. recently for a bit of grooming.  It took 3 people to "keep me in line"!  I didn't need any sedation, though.  Mom was relieved as sedation cost so much.  I thought I would help Mom out with all of the extra Christmas costs!  Merry Christmas, Mom!

Mom did a quick walk through of this years Christmas market.  She loved these tiny gnomes.   She likes their hats and soft beards. We think the gnomes would have made excellent cat toys.
Is anyone else hoping for a White Christmas?  Mom says she is hoping for good travelling weather.  So perhaps just a small dusting of snow then?  Is everyone else enjoying the music, food and fun of the season?  Or are your humans stressed?  Winston and I do our best to calm Mom down.  In fact, we think our efforts are worthy of extra treats and toys!
We will close with this funny from Pinterest.  
Emily Elf and Winston Gnome.


  1. You two sure sound ready for Christmas. Hey, that cupcake sure looks yummy!

    1. Hi there-We may need an extra nap or two before we are completely ready for Christmas! Thanks for stopping by.
      winston and emily

  2. Nice to see you cuties. I bought a similar gnome for only $3.99 at Bed, Bath and Beyond- Norm the gnome :)

    1. Wowsa! You got a good deal. These gnomes at a Christmas Market were probably closer to $20 each.
      Thanks for visiting us.
      Festive purrs,
      Emily and Winston

  3. Your mom saved that cupcake for a few days? Ours would have devoured it instantly in about 2 bites. (She does have a sugar addiction, and yes, it's a problem!)

    We're all hoping for a very green Christmas, thank you very much. Our biped will be off for the holiday closure, and getting around is easier when there's no snow or ice. Not just for her--for everyone! If your human will be traveling for Christmas, tell her to be safe!

    Happy holidays!

    1. Paws crossed for a green Christmas. This time of year is a temptation for those of us with a sweet tooth. Indulge just a tiny bit :)
      Enjoy your time off and thanks for all of your visits!
      Fa la la laing,
      Emily and Winston

  4. What a festive post! Soon the madness will be over and we will have our mom's back to ourselves and less busy.


  5. My Mom is distracted this month too but not by work! Just because she says she isn't "feeling" blogging lately. Mom does remember when she worked in an office they were short staffed because people tend to use up sick days and vacation time before the year ends. Love, Cody

  6. Hope you kitties and your Mom have a wonderful Christmas.

  7. Looks like you're having a festive Christmas.
