Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Birthday Boy Whoops it Up (sort of)!

 Happy Birthday to ME!   It's Winston.  My B-day is on September 2!  It takes a lot of energy to whoop it up so I saved all my feline shenanigans for the long, Labor Day weekend.
from Pinterest
 Nope!  Not that kind of whooping it up.  Though I would certainly like to get all the presents these felines would be forced to bestow upon me.
I didn't get any of these toys, either.   Though we did get some kitty spirals recently.
 This is what I got for my birthday!   My favorite flavor, too!   Since I'm such a gentleman I will share with Miss Emily.
 Ahem, Mommy, don't you think a little privacy is in order?   Yes, Winston is a year older but I'm not certain he is a year wiser.  *Don't tell him I said that!*
 Mom enjoyed her long weekend...by taking long walks.
 This leaf says autumn is coming but we are still in the midst of a heat wave.  Phew.  It's enough to curl your furs!
 Mom saw this electric bike outside the grocery store.  She said if only it were hot pink with a basket....woo hoo.  World watch out.  Thankfully, she walked on by except to snap this photo.
 More signs of autumn in the Dollar Store.  Mom bought several cards and napkins but showed restraint by NOT purchasing this Thanksgiving wreath.
I will close for now with this!
Happy purrs
Winston the happy birthday boy
and Miss Emily
from Pinterest


  1. Happy birthday, Winston! It looks like you had quite the celebration!

    1. Hi there! I did have fun. I did have to reign in Emily, though.

  2. Happy Birthday Winston! Glad you got the treats you like. Sending hugs and purrs. Anesha and Skipper

    1. Hi there,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes! Apparently, I am a senior kitty now. I'm 13 years old! Wowza.

  3. Happy birthday, Winston! Great present--that's a HUGE container of treats! Don't eat them all at once. LOL.

    Stay cool...We think this awful summer heat is coming to an end soon. Or at least we hope it is!

    Purrs and headbutts.

    1. Hi Kea,
      Thanks so much for visiting. It is a very big container of treats. However, I believe that I'm worth it. Contented purrs,
      PS-We hope the heat wave is over soon, too!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Winston! You celebrate the way that I like to, with LOTS of Temptations Treats! Woooo hooo! Love, Cody and Mom too!

    1. You know it, Cody. Nothing better than lots of treats!
      I'm happy you stopped by to visit.

  5. Winston, Happy Birthday handsome! It's as hot as blazes here, so it's still summertime.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Winston. We cannot wait until it's the fall season. This heatwaves are really bad this summer. Glad to see you got your favorite treats for your birthday. Thanks for the share. Have fun.
    World of Animals

  7. Winston, Happy belated Birthday! Lookin' mighty handsome too.
